Saturday, March 30, 2019

Riding lesson Saturday

Wide awake after 7, on a Saturday go figure. This gave me lots of time to peruse Pinterest and it has been awhile but I was looking for long dresser paint color ideas. I let Lola out and made a cappuccino to enjoy while doing so.

The dresser fellow still has not replied as to what he is doing so I went ahead and lightly sanded all the surfaces of the dresser. The table tops were given another coat of poly. Prep work began on the matching dresser to the white vanity with missing veneer filled and all the hardware removed and drawers nailed firmly.

Inside I bagged up the silverware chest and Mom's frame to have ready to get to town for Travis to take back Monday.

After 12 I headed out in to the sunny but WINDY day to catch Switch, give her a brush and leave her tied while I loaded her tack and filled the trailer with new shavings. Once complete I loaded her and was off to pick up Sharon and Timba at 12:30.

We loaded them up and their tack and were off to our afternoon lesson. It was much longer then the hour ending after 3:30 but we did allot.  Untacking the horses and loading them up and off we went making a stop in town for a hot chai tea and slice of banana bread, thanks Sharon.  I dropped them off and back to the ranch just before 5. It was a great afternoon, thanks for coming along.

 B was brushing out the horses having arrived at the ranch around 1:30. She gave all meds and doctoring then came in and did so with Lexi who has the facial fold irritation Shaina alerted me too. B and I got it betadine cleaned and polysporin in it and will switch to another med tomorrow to dry it up.

After supper I went out and put another coat of poly on the tables while B kicked back and relaxed. At 9 pm the dresser fellow replied he wants to go ahead with the dresser ;) Let the painting begin .. tomorrow.

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