Wednesday, March 13, 2019

nightstands completed

Sun was back out today, it did go down to -6 overnight but am sure it will warm back up. I made a cappuccino and did marketing before heading out to give Roo her morning meds then white wash the nightstands.

While they dried I wrote a ornate mirror blog post. Then back out to black wax and add new hardware. I like them :)

Switch and Roo were pacing allot watching the others eat and sleep at the rolled out hay. I took the ranger and dropped a small square for the girls then bombed thru the melting snow to fill the back with loose hay. I drove it over to their pen and tossed around for them to lay in and eat then back for another load and put on the large pasture side so the others could eat closer too them. There is always a solution to a problem ;)

Facebook and Instagram had huge issues all day. My posts were locked up trying to upload blocking all others on IG and FB would not allow me to comment and post. Apparently others were having issues too. That is crazy how much I rely on them both to sell my wares. That and my giveaway I moved to drawing tonight vs Friday as entries have slowed down and I know FB is not showing it to hardly any. I had a new offer for paint giveaway so snapped a new photo for it.

Now to haul in the nightstands and try and get marketing sites working but it was pretty futile. Back out to give Roo her evening meds, man the snow is melting and puddling up. It hit PLUS 7. Supper was the last of the tuna casserole, dang.

The rest of the evening was marketing, writing up a new paint giveaway post and wrapping up the first giveaway. Both FB and IG started working around 8:30 so it was time to catch up on both too. I watched The Girl On the Train while doing so. It was a good twisting thriller.

Coyotes were bad, Lola did many patrols to keep them at bay eventually coming in after 10.

B is painting this for her boss Vet Dr Jordan of her dog, what a lovely gift.

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