Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Another ride and nightstands finished

Awake at 8:30 I did a bit of marketing till Shaina's alarm went off at 9. I jumped in the shower and cut banana bread for my coffee date with Sharon. She arrived at 10 for cappuccinos and banana bread and our marketing meeting. Shaina joined us briefly then off to a consult at 10:30. Britt and Cooper arrived about then too.

B had her financial consult phone call then joined Sharon and I to visit and talk horses. Sharon had to leave to meet Shaina for their noon workout. Britt went out to move equipment Sheldon forgot to move out of arena, pick cat crap and set the sprinkler as the wind has picked up. It is 13 degrees but cloudy and windy.

I painted a second coat of white on the nightstands before coming in to make a late salmon dinner for us all once Shaina was back between appointments after 2. She was running late so B and I ate then headed out to catch the horses. It was nice riding in the arena as the windy picked up quite a few times while we did. After our ride B caught Daisy and she and I trimmed her feet, brushed her and gave her a nice spa day.

she loves her veggies

Shaina was home, ate and had a couple hour video conference with Lynda. B gave Roo and Bird meds then got stuff together including Cooper and was off for home before 5. Shaina ate and was off to her boot camps after 6.

I went out and finished the nightstands. Three hours later I had them sanded, waxed and new contact liner added to the drawers and everything put back together.

I started a new Netflix series called The Disappearance of Madeline McCann, I remember the events and have always wondered what happened.

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