Thursday, February 7, 2019

Paper purge continues

Coffee with Craig this morning; he arrived by 9:30 to help us with some investing and a visit of course. He was off by 11 and I got back to my paper purging project. S has other plans to work around this chore ;) He is working on his HVAC project.

I plugged away at sorting and stacking. He had to run to town to get wire for his project so took one of the overflowing dog food bags of paper to the recycling too. The day was the nicest it has been in a while hitting -14! but is going to drop down again to sub temps.

look most drawers are empty!!

I enjoyed finding so many great notes and memories

And even used some of my home décor pages as Instagram posts. I still love this idea for antique silverware and old hand written recipes displayed

I better cash this quick ;)

I stopped to whip up another GoodFood meal for supper, this one a spicy pork bowl. After supper S was off to the TV room to watch his Flames while I continued in my office purging paper from on and in my desk.

B made ravioli for her supper, finicky, hard but ok was her review

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