Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Linen purging

It started out sunny but -27 when B called at 8:30 to say her car issue was just a loose tire ;) Oil is being changed and everything checked so she will be good as gold with her newly painted and repaired car.

Once moving S headed to town about 10:30 to run errands; getting bottle $$, recycling and getting a load of diesel. I got busy on tidying the house as Stouts plan to pop over tonight then started a big task to purge a few more rooms. I started small with the 1/2 bath which was pretty easy then on to the main floor bath. Linen was a big purge with sheets for the girls and Paetz kids. Old meds tossed and all cabinets spic and span with even empty shelves and drawers!!

The linen purge continued with the girls bathroom as more is stored there. Extra towels were bagged up for the girls as well. I put B's lacrosse MVP towel in her room, she is going to use for Cooper ;)

Such artists in the house.. I found this adult coloring book and a lovely bird colored.. and B's braids!
I found mine last week and took to AJ to add to her envelope to donate. Seems we have quite a few braids for the cause.

S was back from town with Vietnamese for lunch around 1. After we ate I was back to my purging tacks while he was then off to dock the trailer. It turned out not to bad hitting -17 which now seems like spring in this extended cold snap. I forced the cats out even to go patrol their shop. Moving on to sorting more "kimono" while S worked on repairing Shaina's suitcase that was broke on our trip to Hawaii. He macgyvered an old license plate into the support piece that was shattered and riveted it in place.

Supper was a bowl of my yummy turkey soup then S was off to the TV room for his Flames game while I caught up on the blog and photos. Sharon and Darren came over at 9 and we had a fun evening of catching up with a roaring fire, drinks and snacks. Being on the complete opposite shifts makes this event almost impossible to have happen so always glad when it can. They headed home at midnight then I worked on my Spanish lessons while S perused the net for a bit.

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