Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Cabo day 6 & 7

Day 6

This is our last full day at the resort ;(

After another good breakfast at Don Diego (buffet overlooking the marina) it was off to the pool

The birds and bees were super busy today and I even managed to captured this little hummingbird in action.

Back to the room we found our 2nd towel art piece of the trip

If you noticed this stairs in the past photos looking towards the inner court of the resort, here is a view going down them. 116 beautiful stone steps going from level 7 to 1. Most times we used the elevators but did take a few trips (no pun intended) down them.

Tonight is the white party on the beach as a supper option complete with fireworks, acrobats, contortionists and fire throwers. Great entertainment.

Day 7

last coffee on our deck

We started the day with the UP the stairs challenge.

yes that is the waterfall behind us that I showed from the top in a few pics

There is a lovely waterfall down the hillside too

We made it

We had a refreshment or two at the pool after breakfast before catching the transfer to the airport before noon. The storms delayed the flights some so it was a longer wait. Soon after arriving I remembered a drawer I did not check with my clothes at the hotel! WTH, a call back was lost in communication, will try from home.

At 4 we loaded on our plane bound for the frozen tundra, good bye Cabo!

Today was a tarmac loading after a short hike from the main concourse. On the plus side we got extra leg room seats I was vying to pay $100 for yesterday when checking in and the Wifi cratered. :)

We arrived back in frosty -14 Calgary about 8:30. Got thru customs, to our bags, said goodbye to the Benbows and hustled to the car. Back to the snow packed ranch where Lola was happy to see us then off to show us how busy she has been. Another great adventure comes to a close. Back to snow life tomorrow.

Watch for my tips from our trip post soon.

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