Thursday, January 31, 2019

To town to lighten the load

January 31, this month actually flew by. I HAVE to go to town today as the library books are due and I have no milk for cappuccinos, today I used cream and it is not what I should be drinking when we leave for a beach vacation in 2 weeks LOL. A bit of marketing and account to start the day.

I rustled the last of the things to go to town and got them loaded in the truck. The jars and trash were loaded from garage and I was off to town at 11. First stop the dump then on to mail and recycling. Next was dropping all the jewelry off to a group that donates to local women at Christmas (Gems for Gems they call it) then stop at the bank. I found my rummoli nickel stash while cleaning and seeing we have not hosted a party since we moved here, it is clear they can go back in circulation. I had most rolled but ran out of papers so had them counted in a ziplock. This doesnt work, I had to roll them at the bank but in the end I left with $31.

My next stop was the library where I hauled in 4 boxes of book to donate. Whew. I stopped by Paetz's to deliver there bag of books too. Asher was home with a school PD day so was able to visit with all for a bit before setting off to finish the last of my chores. I dropped a big binder I had put together when I was a 4-H leader to the current leader. Groceries were next with just some fruit and milk with my final stop to grab sushi for a very late lunch and off for home by 2.
found this photo in a cake decorating magazine I must have been reading

The neighbor gal I offered a free dresser to was waiting in the drive. She followed me in, we loaded it up, had a quick visit and I was onto getting my goods inside to finally eat.

Once done I got started on more purging. back to my closet and doing the shelves below the window. Yeah I found more coin I collected, this time quarters to a total of $20, best go cash them in and let them get to work.

Laundry folding had the prince's sock drawer totally rearranged even adding 6 new pairs I found in a bag in my drawer yesterday when I made mine all lovely!

his and hers

Supper was a good old bologna sandwich, gourmet here for sure ;) Then time to catch up on writing blog for last 2 days. I was then sidetracking chatting with a friend about photos and signing up for some new online programs. Seeing I had finished my book I spent a few hours working on my Spanish lessons till 1 am lights out.

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