Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Snow storm rolls in

Wake up call from the furniture company I contacted for the missing desk piece. The morning started out not to bad weather wise -5, Cooper went out to patrol with Lola who was just released. Not long after enjoying our first coffee snow started with a storm rolling in right behind it, brr. The temperature dropped from -2 quickly down to -14!!

cold but muddy feet

S has a massage in town this morning so loaded the trash and was off around 10:30. I wrote a blog post for the navy crib, just in time as the customer had her baby this morning too. Husband is planning to pick up Friday. I worked on a few other project blog posts too. I found a 1/4 sheet sander online in town from a fellow painter purging. S was kind enough to grab it for me while in town.

At noon an email came in confirming an Etsy sale, the little antique stool. YEAH. I got it all boxed up and a label printed out all ready to go to town on the next town run.

look what I found in my peanuts in the packing box, an $80 brush I did not see in there!!

Prince was back home around 2 and had a bowl of salad and into the big brown napping chair. I headed out to my 15 degree garage testing the new sander on the desk edges and the shelf back, works great, esp for $5! It was then on to distressing & dark waxing the shelf. This took an hour with all the little cubbies but it looks great.

Back into the house as the prince was waking from his afternoon nap it was time to prep for supper. tonight was to be meal 3 of Chef’s plate however after getting it going I found the ground chicken smelled BAD. No need for a round of illness, it was tossed and out came the last meal, steak. I had S be the steak cooker in a cast iron pan while I finished all the dips sauces and salads.  The salads were ok, the steak was tough even though it said rib eye ;( Yet another disappointment. The produce was bad in most of the packages. I would NOT recommend Chef’s plate at all.

For dessert we had a sweetie pie, new from the local pie gal. It was quite yummy. Time to scrub and resets on the cast iron pan and get the dishes done while S was back to his chair with a blazing fire going researching streaming TV. We rounded out night off watching 2 episodes of Vikings, season finale is next week!

Here are a couple great photos I screenshot off Snapchat of the Costa Rican travellers.

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