Friday, January 25, 2019

S to the city while I made sales

Last night Cooper thought Sheldon's pillow was good to snuggle with until he arrived

This morning he was up bright and early and again no where near the blanket meant to collect his hair

Kaylin sent this picture of their new place having breakfast on the deck - too hot inside

Brief snow came down as we had our coffee then cleared off. Marketing for me while S was off to the city to meet Craig for a "financial meeting and pho" at 11. I posted the vanity on a few more sales sites, hope the w/e traffic rustles up a buyer.

My shelf lady found missing pegs for her shelf and dropped them off at noon. She was smitten with my front door chair and would like to buy it. Once she was off I finished my lunch (who needs pho right fellas) then got busy finishing the shelf.

waiting for the pegs and final details

 and done!
The new pegs were painted and dark waxed, 10 cup hooks installed then chicken wire cut and stapled to the back. As well I added 2 D ring hangers for her too.

These 2 spend so much time playing and exploring... today it was all day seeing so nice out again

I worked on an ad for FB but it seems to be held up after all my work, :( S was back home before 6 sporting his new battery charger purchased with Xmas gift card and a bag of dog food seeing town has had none for a week. He whipped us up a refreshment before our steak supper. Yvonne stopped back on her way home not long after to get her shelf and the chair!

Once I got her loaded up it was time for the yummiest steak supper thanks to Costco and AV cookbook marinade recipe I did this aft.

He was then off to watch the hockey skills challenge why I wrote 3 blog posts for my Hometalk page to qualify for another feature. I started another Netflix series called The World's Most Extraordinary Homes and the other night started another called Charlie Luxton's Homes By The Med, all are crazy homes. Check the photos I found while looking thru past blog pics.

Here are more photos Kaylin sent tonight of their trip

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