Thursday, January 3, 2019

First big projects of the year started and horse chiro

SINUS HEADACHE to start the day, this cold needs to go. Thanks to my migraine pills it did subside with 2 cappuccinos so I could get on with the day. Thinking I was going to start the 2 tables, I headed out and realized the dark one needed that was super glossy would benefit from the ultra grip first. This coat takes 12 hours to dry so once it was applied to both tables and both flat surfaces it was now off limits to paint.

Moving on to set up another project I got busy on the latest little vanity, stool and mirror. Hardware, seats and mirror were removed then all was scrubbed well and a few repairs started.

What a beautiful day, the chinook hit PLUS 9 with no winds!! I went out just before 3 to hook up the trailer and just like that it was done. My appointment for the horses was not till 4 and seeing I could not get the gate open near the trailer due to iced over snow bank I grabbed the trim bucket, threw in the truck and headed down the road. The horses were grazing in the corner closest to the road so stopping there I jumped out and handily trimmed KD in 15 minutes. It would have been faster without Roo in my face and tipping the bucket lots ;)

I moved the trailer to the far gate and walked back to catch Switch, Bird and Roo then took them back to the gate, loaded them and headed to chiro Murray. Even with his usual chat, I had all 3 unloaded, treated and loaded back up in half an hour and on my way back home. I let the girls back out at their far gate to join the herd and I to the house.

SO nice to have such a beauty day with no wind and get all this done so far. A quick bowl of soup (thanks Mama K) and a salad and it was time to meet the fellow dropping off the dresser/hutch. This guy was a chatter. He does now have a few other items including the crib he wants me to paint, yeah!

Once he was off, I got Lola in and headed for a soak then to bed to finish the You season on Netflix. Lights out at midnight after a great productive day.

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