Monday, December 10, 2018

Plus 6

Weird I woke at 5:55 but back to sleep till 8. Guess my inner salesperson was excited that I had a lineup of pick ups this am. The chinook seems to be rolling in as I started the truck and ran to the gate to open it for the ladies. The first one was here before 9:30 with 2 others over the next half hour. One cancelled earlier this am with a chinook headache.

Ponies were tossed another bale, this time I did not make them have to solve the puzzle but threw in closest pen. While outside I hauled some outdoor Christmas décor from the shop to the house and decorated the gates while closing them for the day. It is now PLUS 4 and rising.

Back at the house I did some more stripping and sanding on the newest project. I should have taken outside it was so nice and now +6. The gal we got the house full of furniture from messaged she would like the white table and the stenciled cabinet!

I have a feature on Hometalk coming up so wrote more blog posts on there to continue my ranking for features. Then back to writing more posts between boring house chores. A hot soak in the tub with my handy tub tray and iPad then into bed for watch a few more before prince arrived home at 11.

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