Monday, December 17, 2018

it is Monday again

Last coffee in bed, it is back to work Monday. I spent the morning going over and getting my Xmas list/gifts sorted while S rolled a bale out for the horses and prepped to leave for the great white north. He left right after lunch for the city early to run some "errands" ;)

The weather was fabulous today hitting 8+ and sunny. So nice I could haul my frame outside and sand there. This was that gross yucky dirty one from last week all scrubbed and ready to sand.

Projects in the garage were next for me before heading to town to meet a lady for more gifts, pick up more gifts/groceries and stop at Amanda's for a visit and a trim. Thanks sister! XOXO

On the way home I treated myself to a caramel Brule latte at Starbucks. Back home it was put it all away and try and sort gifts before a late supper, sanding & another few coats of paint went on the window ten relaxing with Netflix.

these two just chilling in Cambodia for the last day

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