Friday, December 14, 2018

Christmas brunch

Shaina sent more great video and photos of her trip, they are now in Cambodia and heading to Angkor Wat. Sure looks neat and the hotel room currently in is fabulous!! I am starting the day with yet another headache; good ole chinook and dry Alberta! Sheldon was text that a few couples from work were meeting in the city for lunch and wanted to go so we got ready and were off to the city after 10. It is another warm day hitting plus 8

It was a nice Christmas celebration lunch with the group at Buchanan's Chop and Whiskey House. Eating and visiting until after 2 we then were off to pick up new smoke/CO detector that seems to be expired after endless beeping this am. We planned to grab firewood so took the truck but the hardwood guy was out in Priddis and others were soft wood. A stop at Big Rock to see if new winter brews were created then a quick stop at the Tack Collector seeing they had some new horse boots just came in. 

While at lunch the pair of lamps sold ;)

Time to head home so a gal could pick up her mens valet for her husband birthday which was today!

I set the teal jewelry box blog post live. The new detectors were installed; The living room one I took over for the fellow scared of heights :)

nervous Nellie was kicked off and I got it up

We ran to town filled with fuel and went to the Paetz's

It is always filled with snuggles, giggles and stories!

Ash had movie clips he was excited to share

And luckily they have a comfy recliner that fits 1 auntie Nan and 3 snuggle bugs.

Ada even fell asleep after a long day. On our way home we grabbed the mail which had parcels as well as a Fedex parcel at the gate that came overnight from USA. Yeah parcel service!

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