Friday, November 23, 2018

Road Trip

Today is a road trip north but before we set off it was the usual Hawaiian start. I was up early, cleaned the condo, got the coffee going and relaxing on the lanai. Today I spotted dolphins just off our beach area but could not get a really good picture. Toasted crossaint with the fresh avocado was today, man it was good. Thanks you kind Hawaiian guy.

see them?

Loaded up and off by 10 we drove north. The highways on this west side of the island are so lovely, flat and wide. Our first detour off the main highway to take the loop thru Waikoloa Beach resort. It seemed like a small town of rich folks ;)

The landscape along the Kohala west side is mainly lava and arid dessert plants and even as you hit the NW side it is similar but with pastures all dried up probably cause it is winter. But looking to higher land you can see green lush pastures. Sure enough as we swooped around the top point (Maui is approx 25 miles) the tropical vegetation appears.

That is Maui in the distance, and how about that ranch entrance

Our first actual stop was in a little town called Hawi (hah-vee); an antique store called and was loaded with swords, art and neat antiques and treasures.

look at this poi bowl, that is the biggest dough bowl I have seen

We toured the little town grabbing an ice cream and smoothie before making our way again.

You never know where the little shoreline signs can take you so we zipped off on one. The drive was definitely tropical like Maui. The parking area was at a retreat on a cliff which was an ok view but only took a few minutes to snap a picture and be gone as it was very limited in public space and just a view.

Onward to Keokea state beach park where you end up right down at seal level by the rolling surf. A bathroom break and short hike around and again the Jeep was once again in motion.

Next stop, Pololu Valley look out point. Be sure to drive right to the end, not where many think is parking along the private mule station. At the end there was a fellow selling fresh coconuts and lots of great views. You can hike down to a huge black beach here. We made it most of the way down before we decided we should perhaps get back to the Jeep where I left our bags with top open.

Just always back down the road is a food truck; Fresh of the Grid and mules. We stopped for a ginger lime aid for S and basil lemonade for me, choose ginger if you have to choose ;)

Now to head back south towards Hilo. Luckily we had "maps" on the cell phone with data and it took us on a short cut to Kohala mountain road. We are up in the green high land we saw from below and wow it was pretty. So many cattle and horse ranches and amazing views. Many times we were right in the clouds reaching 3564 feet above sea level. This amazing stretch of road comes out at Waimea,this is a beautiful town and the ranches here are beautiful as is the weather.

these are clouds below us, isn't that crazy looking?

It is now a 2 hour drive to Hilo taking the coastline, however once we made it I would say that is was my least favourite road because it is soooo windy on that side and you are just driving high along the mountain side thru trees, like BC highway. The Pepeekeo detour scenic route just before Hilo was neat once you got into it and it takes you past the botanical gardens. It was just before 4 as we past and the weather on this side f the island was overcast and threatening rain so we kept going. Our route was now to head back to the condo but a sign for rainbow falls detoured us to see it quick. The falls was not quite as “sparkling” as we expected but neat to see.

Back on the road to the condo with a hour and half ETA, it started to rain and for the next hour plus it was rain and clouds. Climbing over Mauna Kea on saddle road (route 200) and scooted along the Mamalohoa highway.

After a slight detour, we pulled into Costco gas at 6 just as the sun was setting and the gas tank read near empty and once back to the condo. We logged over 250 miles today and saw so much diversified vegetation and climates.

We never even had a beer until 4:30 today but thanks to all the snacks I packed we were good until we got to the condo for a bowl of salad. S was off to take a quick swim before we kicked back for the night.

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