Thursday, November 8, 2018

Power Outage

Today was another brisk cold day. Perfect day for catching up on posting more items for sale on Etsy. Writeups for it take the most time but is a sale once someone chooses a piece.

Another coat of grey was added to the jewelry box then distressed and waxed once dry. However now that the drawers are grey on one side and the other has gold lining it looks odd so need to find some paper to add.

I was helping Sharon with her FB issues when we were abruptly cut off  with a power outage. It seems there was a huge area east of Calgary that was without it for the next 2 1/2 hours. Perhaps it was a "get to work" sign ;) I cleaned out a few more cupboards and staged more photos as well as cleaned our onsuite bathroom.

Once it was back on after 3:30 I could catch Ellen while I worked away. Now I had power back I cooked up a pot of hamburger soup for my supper... for the next week ;) The customer with the doll bed picked it up at 5:30 requiring me to open and close the yard gate... brrr even though it hit 1 above it was now -8 and dropping.

Time to write up a blog post for the white watch chest and publish it as well as write the white bread box post and started a few others while watching Netflix on my handy iPad.

Auntie Mindy sent me photos she took on the w/e I wanted to share of people I missed and it seems we still did not get a picture of everyone, thanks Auntie for sharing

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