Friday, November 16, 2018

Holy snow

Just as forecast the snow rolled in last night, and with some force. It woke me at 3 am with 20 minutes of power bumps. It seems many people actually lost power from then till 7 am so guess we were lucky. At 3 am it was only -1 but hit -9 when we got up with the wind much lighter and snow still coming down off and on.

Our morning was spent doing last minute things including blog post write ups for me. I went back and improved a few of the old ones, yikes! But good to see I have improved. ;) Suitacse was loaded and weighed in just under the 50lbs and size limits.

I was off to town at 4 for a pedicure/manicure with my last gift certificate, this one from Sheldon XOXO. Today is -14 and yesterday almost plus 14... what are the odds I now am wearing flip flops on the cold day.

A quick stop to drop a letter in the mail and make a bank deposit before heading to my eyelash appointment. Girls go thru lots of prep for things while fellows prefer to relax in their big recliners ;)
Finished up at 7 and off to the ranch with a stop to get the mail and get gate into the yard.. in flip flops still, car says -17

S was watching a hockey game but after adding a few more items to the one bag we were over 3 pounds, darn plan b tomorrow ;)

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