Monday, September 10, 2018

Back at it Monday

B was off by 7 and I was awake by 8 followed not long after by prince who made coffee and crawled back in to relax on his last late morning for a week. I got started on the buffet/hutch doing touch ups, sanding, black waxing the buffet and doing another black stain oil coat on the top before stopping for lunch.

S was off to the city at 2 and not long after thunder rolled in. It rained around 3 for a bit bringing down .02 according to the new wireless rain gauge.

After doing some marketing I was back out finishing the hutch portion of the custom. Then it was time to tidy, rearrange and get ready for the next project. But when I opened the door after dumping mouse poop and bugs out of the drawers I was hit with the smell of mildew. Sure enough there was many spots on this hand made plywood piece. That and the damage on front and edges in spots I messaged the customer and asked if she wanted me to keep going but I personally would not invest in this piece. She agreed so I did lose a project but I prefer to let them know if something is not right.

I gave Hawk his pill late around 5:30 having to walk out in the field again. The skies looked threatening and around 6 it briefly rained a bit more. Nothing to really account for but the gauge says we have had .26 (1/4") in last 7 days.

check out my first harvested garlic I had planted last fall

B arrived home after 7 to load up most of the last of her treasures including Cooper. Matt had stopped quick for a visit after dropping the skid steer back after borrowing it. I helped her load (packed like a sardine) car with Coop getting in last on his stack of blankies and his bed and they were off at 9 officially moving out of home.

I ate my now cooled off meat pie and wrote a blog post for the farmhouse grey end table that I had posted earlier on Hometalk. It was featured in a newsletter I think as I had 16,000 views today on their so made the post to go along. I finished the short season of Stay Here on Netflix, tried Cable Girls but hated watching mouth and words not match so started Ozark and ended up watching a couple episodes until late.

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