Saturday, August 18, 2018

Tourney day 1

I think the cappuccino B made me for our drive last night may have kept me awake or it was just plain insomnia but I was awkae most of the night clock watching. At 4:50 I thought wow there are no trains like last year. It was not 5 minutes later when one rolled thru and they seem to come thru every half hour from then on ;(

There was a knock on the door early after B took Cooper out and it was Shelby delivering hot BLT her dad Garnett made us, awe THANKS!! Once we were up he had coffee brewed too. Dad of the year award. Time for B to get Bird and start to tack up as first game was at 10 am. They ended up losing but it was a close game with a few crazy T-bones and other non called infractions.

 Today was a really smoky cool day. Cooper did very well in this crazy hubbub surroundings and really loved the blanket I brought along to cover him in.

 KD umped after B's game so she was prepped to go and I held her and photographed. Cooper stayed in the warm duvet in the trailer. The next A game at 1:30 they won, fair and square. That leaves tomorrow being for all the marbles.

Visiting at the trailer while all bundled up then off to the supper was next order of business. This led to more socializing and eventually there was just a few of us left but we managed to be entertained by one of the Aussie fellows and dancing till after 1:30 when we all called it a night.

an Aussie party game using neck muscles to pull opponent over the line or put them in traction LOL

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