Friday, August 24, 2018

pestering coyotes

The wind was still blowing after it started up at 11 last night thru the morning. Britt was not feeling well (run down) so called in sick before 7 and back to bed. I spent the morning working on the tournament and the hutch pictures, getting them posted and writing more how to posts including the purple flower stake.

 I did roust B to come up and make me a couple cappuccinos from her Netflix in bed routine. I made fresh guacamole for our lunch too. The rain had started and seeing the horse pastures are bare and they are getting chilly, B and I went out and took the ranger to give Hawk his pill then lead them out to the big field. Back at the house we closed the gate, dropped B at the house and I put the ranger away.

The rain came down for awhile yet with a total of 2/10ths. I got to work in the garage working on projects starting with the jewelry boxes I started yesterday. They got a 2nd coat, distressed and waxed.

Between coats, I cleaned the pepper grinder and painted it black for 2 coats.

I began making the canning ring pumpkins including one with spray painted rings choosing blue.

At the Valley there was no rain, S and Papa got a load of wood cut and loaded along with some other treasures from the shop.

beverage break 

The nightstand from my stash Cindy chose was gotten out and repairs made. Once dry I buffed up the jewel boxes and brought in to snap a few pics of the taller of the two and get it posted.

B was required to do a few chores such as vacuum after her dog, wash his dog bed and horse wraps and tidy island. I came in for supper as Britt was getting ready to head to town to go out for Brooke's birthday.

This time I used the quad to get the horses in at 8 and broke up a pile of hay S dumped. Computer work then a soak in the tub with Outlander. S arrived home before 11 having dropped Pap back at the Hat and enjoyed Gramas cooking and was soon fast asleep. I had left Lola out and at midnight she went crazy. even Cooper was barking from inside. I went out to find coyotes right at the yard. I called the sleeping Prince who was slow on the gun retrieval. I headed back in while I watched and sure enough after she pushed them back in the field and she patrolled back and forth for a bit I saw and heard her race for the house with them in pursuit. Again I called the sleeping prince who never managed to get there but she was happy to go in the garage now with them out numbering her. The brisk night air had me wide awake to watch another episode before falling asleep half an hour before I could finish the season.

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