Monday, August 6, 2018

Heritage Monday

Heritage holiday Monday had a wake up call around 8 with Lorne dropping the skid steer forks off soon after. S was off to his final rodeo meeting while I got busy getting the house tidied, laundry started and marketing caught up.

He was back after 11 with B home a bit later bringing us chai teas, thanks B! We ate lunch then loaded up and headed to the race track about 12:30. Today there are many big stake races taking place including the Ralph Klein Classic as the finale.

 Dave and Freedom's Rescue warming up

coming out for the big one

The day was another hot one hitting 29. The track had a few delays making for a pretty long day. In the final race ( the Ralph one) Dave was doing very well and looked to be in the top 3 only to have another driver cut him right off at the last turn. The offending driver ended up coming in first but had it taken away for his illegal move. This was a $125,000.00 race, crummy Dave had this guy screw up his chance to win place or show. The previous race for the fillies had a 35-1 odds winner in another $125,000.00 stake race.

Following the races we stopped to see Dave’s barn and meet his horses. This is where Britt works so she gave us a quick tour around to show a bit of her day to day world. 

This is Hush a Bye who loves Britt's scratches

We got home late after 7 and did not eat our steak supper till almost 9 but it was good. The planters and garden needed watering before moving on to box up the warm white jewelry box that just sold on Etsy as a pleasant surprise when I got home today. It is off to New York and it has been since March since I had an Etsy sale so very happy. Dave arrived around 9 for their TV program viewing while S relaxed after another busy day in the life of the Kuhn Klan.

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