Friday, August 31, 2018

more painting and patina

Cooper wanted out as Britt left at 7 so I let him and Lola out but it was not long before he wanted back in. The wet cool ground had him wanting his warm kennel ;) I checked the gauge and we got another tenth of rain which was welcome even if I had to move wood lol.

mastering the art of frothing

The sign had more black wax added, think it is looking better. When I went out to give Hawk his pill I tweaked Switch and Pepper's front feet and Daisy's back that is swollen. Even at 15 I was busting up some heat ;)

Projects worked on today were fixing the silver plate, it required all the steps done again in the patina kit.

I scrubbed up the round end table and painted it grey

I scrubbed up the dark end table we just got and painted it a coat of teal paint I recently won

Getting out in the sunshine was nice to water the garden and cut back plants and pull spent ones. The wind blew for most of the day like it did starting yesterday afternoon.

I put half a watermelon out for the horses but only Switch was interested but it seems Cooper thought it was tasty and took most out to eat for himself

Taking a quick round with the vacuum to get dog hair as well as the stairs then running a mop over the hardwood had the place ship shape quick. The stool buying gal arrived before 6 and in no time had them loaded up and gone. Not long after another local builder stopped and loaded up the mirrors and wood piles. After she was off at 7 I let the horses back out. Britt was meeting Dave after work to start the moving in process.

I ate a meat pie and kale salad, perfect late summer supper then went out to put another coat of blue and grey on the table. Once I got Lola in I went inside and wrote the trinket box blog post and got some more marketing posts going hoping to drum up sales over the long w/e. A hot shower and clean sheets were perfect to finish the last few episodes in the Nashville series. Britt and Dave rolled in after 11:30

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Shopping day!!

What a beauty day, the sky was clear as Britt headed to work and the sun was bright for most of the day. I was up early again enjoying such a clear summer day. Tempting Daisy and Roo into the winter pasture with the herd and applying her liniment and giving Hawk his daily pill started my outdoor time and even only at 14 it felt warm. Online shopping was next ordering a few birthday gifts.

Derrick the sidewalk guy arrived at 10 as I was loading up to head into town. I had made my first cappuccino this am after watching a YouTube video and decided now that B is moving out I best get a machine.

I locked the horses in on my way by. My stop at Walmart ended up taking over an hour and in the end I had a full cart and have almost all the kids on my Christmas list gifts bought along with a few groceries. WAHOO!!

To celebrate I grabbed a pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks before heading to get fuel and drop a couple boxes at the take it or leave it then heading back home. Derrick was finishing up the retaining wall that was not straight and he was off at noon. I took the quad to let the horses all out in the pasture to graze in this beautiful day.

The hutch blog post went live then I headed out to work on the patina lamps. Whew this is a fun process.

step 1 2 coats primer

step 2 -2 coats bronze and step 3 spray with patina spray

The wedding sign was revamped, I traced the letters and hand painted them then sanded, dry brushed again and sealed with white stain/oil finish. It is looking better but still needs black wax.

I peeled off the image transfer and hand painted (above) and white stain oiled below

Back inside I tried another cappuccino mastering my skills and gave me an energy boost to do another purge in the garage. This time it was the wood pieces in the one corner. I hauled all out, sorted, washed walls and window and reorganized. I have a lady coming for all the laminated particle board as well as another for furniture I deconstructed. It was great to get another area sorted out.

When Britt got home for supper she had me make her a cappuccino. I added black wax to the sign and will add more tomorrow again when dry. The lamps were ready to have shades added and put back in our room, I LOVE them.

To get Lola in tonight I hiked almost all the way to the far east fence as horses were there and harvest all around but eventually after my jog, she was in for the night and I went in to relax with Netflix and Nashville season 6 I have been watching for the last few nights. At 11 I went for a glass of water and heard it raining... this is great but I have all that particle board wood out so guess who was out in the rain moving wood in their nightie? ;)

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

projects & patina

I was awake as B was getting ready to head to work. Crazy how if I had to be awake then I would drag my heels ;) I tried to go back to sleep but eventually just did some online surfing before getting coffee going.

Hawk got his pill before I showered up, a fellow arrived before 10 to pick up 5 small square bales (he bought 4 last time LOL) After hauling them down from the mez yet again, we visited briefly and he was off.

Projects were next; The large frame was white waxed and buffed.

The wedding gift had lath cut and brad nailed onto the back as well as a hook then I spent time online getting my graphics aiming for a western font. I decided to try a product I never did from Country Chic paint when I was a rep called image transfer. It requires the words to be printed mirror image and "glued" on. Before doing so I had dry brushed grey milk paint on the sign and sanded it smooth. It then had to dry for 2+ hours.

Another new product is the patina kit, I hauled the lamp bases out, cleaned them, taped off the top and applied 2 coats of the primer then it had to dry 2+ hours as well.

Cleaning up the garage, taking off mirror supports and reorganizing were next as well as replacing broken hardware on a dining table leaf. S always wonders why I keep parts and this is why, I had the broken pieces right on hand!

I scrubbed up a few more projects including this silver dish to do patina on as well

It was back to hazy occasional sunny again and I did venture out to water the garden and pick zucchini and potatoes. I also tossed Daisy and Roo some hay and put liniment on her leg. I tried the image transfer removal after 4 hours and it was an epic fail ;(

B and Shaina both pulled in at the same time around 7:30, I had supper all ready for us and after eating and a quick visit Shaina was off to the city by 8:30.

recycle reuse reurpose tip.. those pretty 3 wick candles in glass, DON"T throw out, reuse for bathroom supplies or to hold bath salt/sugar scrubs just to name a few

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

projects complete and a sale too

The sun was out when the day started but quickly was hazed over. Dave was off to Lacombe before 7 getting his new digs all set up and ready to race for the next 8 weeks.  I did roust B to make me a cappuccino after 10:30. Looks like I may have to buy a machine once she is off with hers.

I spent the morning painting another coat of white on the wee cabinets and more milk paint on the frame. B headed to town before noon for appointments. Before she left she moved Daisy and Roo back in with the herd but noticed Daisy was off on her back leg and swollen so I went out and put them in the mowed east paddock till she was back to further examine.

Back to my painted projects finishing up the white cabinets and hauling in

 Then finally getting to work on a sign I have in mind for Lance's wedding. Power tools were needed to cut this old fence board then using the wire brush on the drill I cerused the age to make it look old. It then got a good scrub to remove all the years of yuck and left to dry.

The sun was back out at 1:30 hitting a high of 21 and a perfect day outside. B got home after 2 and checked on Daisy. She took them back to the south paddock and hosed her leg and applied liniment before she got a hot bean bag and took herself to bed to rest her sore back.

Dry brushing 2 more milk paint colors on the frame and waxing were my last project steps of the day.

I was off to town at 4:30 as dark clouds rolled over. They ended up doing nothing however. I dropped Mom's boots and the black pepper grinder I just finished at Paetz's for Craig to take out this w/e. Thanks C!! The pepper grinder sold in less then a day to the gal who bought the octagonal coffee table.

I was then off to meet Coreena and Sharon for C's birthday get together at Boston Pizza. What a great catch up we had and before we knew it, it was after 8:30. I grabbed a tea and the mail and was headed back to the ranch. Britt was relaxing enjoying her day off.

Monday, August 27, 2018

3/10ths more so 1/2" in couple days

Rain had started last night at 11 and was again misty and drizzly when we woke up. Cooper was not fond of the morning chill at 7. S spent the morning perusing the internet while I worked on writing more how to blogs posts yet to be published. I did brave the windy cool morning to drive the merc to the gate and let the horses out to graze, brrrr. Checking the rain gauge we got 3/10ths!!

I snapped a few pictures of the pepper grinder to post

Leftover lunch and a nap and prince was off to the city at 1:30 to make his way north. I threw on a pot of bison soup bones then headed to the garage to get this weeks projects on the go.

After getting the first coat of primer on the reddish one I came in to let Cooper in and do some quick accounting seeing it is bill payment time of the month. By 4:30 the sun peeked thru and after the last month of smoky haze and the wind this is most welcome.


Daisy has been laying down lots so I took the quad out and caught her, gave Hawk his tablet and led her back to the house. Hawk followed her into the south paddocks but I took him back and exchanged him for Roo who is very chubby on this all inclusive meal plan. I then herded the rest into the winter pasture to go get water and take a break in the sunshine.

I finished my soup and eventually ate as B called to say she stopped to sign the rental papers for the place they looked at (moving in Friday!) and was off to help Dave pack more stuff for his Lacombe move.

finally got a chance to see the moon with no smoke

Sadly it is dark before 9 now. I was back in the garage starting the white paint coats on the wee cabinets after putting a black milk paint on the frame then blue after working on the white. I got Lola in and was coming inside before 11 when Britt and Dave rolled in for a bowl of soup.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

another good eating kinda day

Sunday morning began with a later start then followed with cappuccinos by Britt. Dave made PB banana wraps for breakfast but I passe as we have brunch with cole’s at noon. Dave was off before 11 to start his move to Lacombe to race for he next 8 weeks. We.  Were off off soon after with the dump trailer in town. B stayed home to catch up on sleep on her day off.

Our lunch was awesome and the long over due visit was most enjoyable. When we moved to the parking lot before departing we found the sun was finally out, after so many days. It was most lovely. Before doing the furniture run we stopped at a windshield chip repair tent to get the truck window fixed. I ran into Tims and grabbed us iced coffees while we waited.

At the furniture pick up we had the jumbo one piece hutch out and loaded in short order followed by the 6 dining chairs, 2 spares and another table. A short visit with Alysha’s husband before we drove east. A quick stop in town to pick up a prescription and home by 5. Britt was prepping to head to Airdrie when we arrived but gave us a hand unloading the hutch then she was off. She and Dave were looking at a basement suite near Balzac.

S and I unloaded the chairs into the mez before he parked the trailer and did some things around the shop. I came in to prep supper, fresh garden zucchini and potatoes with KING crab. We ate late after 7:30 but it was OOOOO SOOOOO GOOD!

banana is for size reference!!