Friday, July 27, 2018

prince goes golfing

Sheldon was off golfing with Craig and 2 other guys heading out before 9. I got started black waxing the sofa table and while it dried I went out and trimmed Pepper, Daisy, Hawk and KD's feet since the rain makes it easier. Even though it was only 21, it felt hotter as the sun was now out full blast.

After a refreshment and a bite to eat I put another coat of black wax on the tables and again left them to dry. The Illingworth's messaged they found a route flying to Seattle then taking bus to Vancouver. They will check their place in Vernon and then fly to Calgary Monday from Kelowna; such worldly travellers.

Sucker for the sunshine as now 24 I went out and filled the quad trailer with poop and watered planters. It and the wheelbarrow need emptying but it seems the golfer is sidetracked with beer ;) He did arrive home around 5:30 having quite a day on the links or was it drinks HAHA

After supper, Sheldon hit big brown, Britt went out to brush Bird and I hauled in the little table to snap a picture but ended up putting another coat of wax on it. S found a movie, Proud Mary so after we watched it I went out and removed the wax off the table top as it looked blotchy ;( Oh the extra work I give myself. Britt hit the sheets after her brushing of Bird tuckered from a week of late nights and early mornings.

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