Sunday, June 24, 2018

Sun is back

Sunny Sunday is back for a beauty day, all this rain is going to kick in some serious growth I think, and possibly a wild batch of mosquitoes. Coffee, toast, bacon and banana were some options with a slice of lemon pie for all was breakfast. ;)

Visiting was wrapped up at 11:30 when Candace loaded up and headed home. Britt and I pulled on our cowboy boots and headed out. For the next 4 hours we rode, practiced the course I had set up, B rubbed a poultice on the legs of a few and knees of Roo, I trimmed Pepper’s back feet and finished with Roo who behaved like an angel, we were done in no time!! Seems she just prefers her family ;)


The dogs had a blast ripping around and laying in mud puddles and rolling in dead or fresh crap. Lexi even figured out to get her own drink of water with the big dogs. She leaps up on the waterer and joins right in ;)

B gave her a quick bath before coming inside and brushed her once dry when we sat on the deck enjoying the beautiful day. Coop got a hose off too. B had the races going watching some of the last races of the day.

  After supper we ran to town picking up some groceries then stopping to have Auntie Amanda chop B's hair, Ada did hers right after.

Arch got a faux cut as well, seems he loves to get a hair cut every chance he can

Ada's are on the right, that kid has thick hair like her mom

Dave popped out at 9 once we were back home to see all Britt's pictures and her new cut and they hung out till just before 1. Of course I was still awake watching Netflix too ;)

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