Friday, June 22, 2018

peonies planted

Another hot day in store. I was out pruning the lilac tree waiting for the customer to pick up her black chairs and it was smoking.

looking spiffy with refreshed paint and hemp oil

front door all spiffed up too

Once she was loaded and off I headed to the west side where there was a bit of shade and planted the 3 new peonies. At the same time I watered the garden and front flower bed.

Dreaded accounting has been postponed allot so I did some in the cool house while eating lunch. Thanks to Britt I had Vietnamese for lunch today and yesterday, the meal that covers 3!

I wrote 3 new posts for Hometalk, this is the one that then features a blog post which is great exposure so worth the work. I did the teal table, the glass canisters, and the bread box. I also wrote up the official bread box blog post too.

Around 2:30 the west skies got dark again and the temperature dropped from 27, the winds started to blow allot harder (the empty dog pool blew by the front door) and it dropped to 18 and at 3:30 the skies unleashed the rain in a hurried downpour, it did not last long though but the wind stuck around. I was again on the phone with our ISP, this is day 3 in a row with 4 outages, they are putting in a repair call out.

The city girls headed to BC today for 10 days or so, they hit rain way earlier then us here. I hope their vacation is warm and sunny. The rain is supposed to stick around on and off here. I got the bread box ready to go for the customer to pick up and the wife added the jar set to it as well. The husband arrived at 4:30 to get them and had a visit in regards to custom painting a console but it sounds HUGE and heavy.

Temp was down to 16 now, benefits of staying inside got some cleaning done and more blog updates as well as a cooked supper. Britt was late as she swung by the girls house to pick up Lexi who was still at another friends so she waited for her to get dropped off. I had to eat before she got home after 8. She was tuckered after her long day and her back is still sore so she relaxed for the evening with muscle relaxants and had me put on rub A535. I finished up my accounting before 11 then fit in a few Handmaid Tales before calling it a night.

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