Tuesday, June 26, 2018

last lesson before the show

WINDY day and it started in the night, I heard a deck chair go quite a ways and found it down the stairs this am. I got coffee on and caught up a few marketing things while Sheldon did a work conference call. He was out the door before 10 to an appointment in town and I headed out to catch Switch, load and set off for lessons.

I was back after a really great private lesson by 1:30. It is the last one before this weekends really big show. Britt had sourced the dead animal in the ditch and she and Sheldon were just heading out to move it once I got home. B was then off to her massage and errand run in town. Sheldon got to work prepping the swather changing oil and greasing up to get cutting.

I found that the 2" rain this weekend had soaked lots in the horse trailer  so I hauled everything out and started washing pillows, blankets and sleeping bags!! The mattress smells mildewy so not sure on it. I also started tack cleaning for the show. Sheldon started cutting the older hay field around 4 (the neighbor cutting his inspired him I think). My stool - artwork customers arrived just after 6 to pick up the finished pieces as Britt was leaving for baseball.

Sheldon finished up the amount of hay he wanted to cut then started on the yard grass. I picked up bones and moved hoses and temp fences for his ease then we celebrated with a delicious steak supper. Britt did not get home until after 10 to eat her share.

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