Tuesday, June 12, 2018

city trip

Up and at it around 7:30, I have a dermatologist appointment in the city at 9:20 so time to make coffee feed the dogs and get on the road. Good thing we left an hour early as traffic was busy and I was dropped off with 8 minutes to get up to the office. It was pretty quick appointment, S sat in the car doing some "work" and met me after I was done and was visiting with Kaylin who was working at Sephora today. After we all visited for a wee bit she was back to work and I did a few errands in the mall.
check out the names of both my doctors today.. crazy they were the same

It was then off to my next appointment, dental. I was half an hour early so had to wait while S went to get stuff for an oil chage for my car and give it a wash. It rolled over to 20,000 km on the way in. Not bad for 3 years old ;)

My cleaning and dental implant consultation went well and he was waiting for me in the parking lot when I finished. Our next stop was Joeys for a well deserved lunch and cold beverage on the patio.

 so good but why $10 and only $4.25 during happy hour??

Costco for returns, plants and some groceries was next on the list finishing up with a super quick exchange of the fly sheet then it was back home by 4:30. Sleepy Prince hit his big brown chair and was out. Britt was herbing the horses now home from the city on her day off. She got ready and was off to baseball as I caught up on getting the blog. I woke the prince after 6 and my customers arrived as planned at 6:30 to drop off another custom painted piece.

Seeing we both were still full it was time to head out in the evening sunshine but first I put a coat of cappuccino stain on the little table top. It only hit a high of 21 but was now 17 with a nice breeze that kept the bugs at bay for most of the time out.

seems Cooper has moved on to pots to dig in

I potted the plants I bought and transferred another from the garden, did hand watering as well as the front bed soaker. S weed eated before jumping on the mower. I was his grunt going around to clear the grass of bones, stuffed pony and hoses. The bugs were starting to come out so I put Switch's old fly sheet on with the "new" hood for now.

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