Friday, June 29, 2018

bit of rain bit of sun kinda say

I was up at 3 and could not hear rain but when I let Cooper our at 6 it was softly raining. It was still raining when we got up at 9 but soon let up having dropped 1 1/2/10ths. The sun soon popped out making for a really nice morning. I got my clothes and tack loaded in the trailer while Sheldon greased his swather header.

A quick nap for one after lunch/news and he set out to spray the weeds one more time, I picked rock in the closest paddock, Lordy even at only 18 one gets smoking with fleece sweat pants on.. they really were true to their name!

Prince moved the last few bales off the field now that it was drier while I continued on yard work and show prep. Once Britt was home from her first day of the horse clinic at 6, she changed and came riding with me then we bathed Switch (her first official bath with soap etc).

 The sun went behind clouds as we finished and a cool breeze picked up so I set up the barn stall with fresh shavings food and water and let her dry off in there. S had found more broke rake tines and replaced them and got the truck hooked up for tomorrow then he came in to relax. B had a nap after our ride while I showered up and got last minute things prepped. I put Switch's new sheet on now she was dry and set her free in the paddock. We watched the movie Unknown before calling it a night.

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