Wednesday, June 6, 2018

back to riding lessons

Seems the late movie night did not pay off when it came to oversleeping her alarm. I heard Britt bound up the stairs with Cooper after 7 and usually she is gone by then. She did manage to get him out, fed, then herself out the door in about 15 minutes. Today is master Archer's 2nd birthday, happy cake day little man! XOXO

I woke with another headache ;( I did finishing touches on organizing the furniture loop for Instagram then dashed out to load my tack and horse and headed off to lessons by 10. It was a beautiful day for a lesson, we even ventured to walk thru the bison that were in the arena while we had our lesson. I had her loaded and back home before 1. Then it was time for her herbs, restock the horse trailer with fresh shavings now the furniture hauling was over, toss hay for all the horses and top the far water tank.

Finally to the A/C house before 2 for a late lunch and cold drink followed by a refreshing shower. I did some more watering and found Lola had a dead rabbit she was very proud of, gross. I dealt with it later when the girls came finally getting it while Britt distracted her and took it for a drive to a far away ditch.

I chopped expiring fruit and veggies to freeze, made guacamole and chopped the bison roast for stroganoff supper. Britt was home first after 7 running to give Roo her booster shot before hitting the shower. Shaina was soon after with her friend Carli joining us too. Britt was off to the city on yet another movie date while Carli and Shaina went riding. This was when I got rid of the dead rabbit and a bit more watering. They say rain on Sunday, I hope so, things are dry again. Carli was off at 10 and Shaina headed to the city after her shower at 10:30. Britt was not back home till 12:30, busy girls!

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