Tuesday, May 15, 2018

trimming and a scrubbing

At 2 am I heard a horse thundering around, then again before 3 so I got out the flashlight, housecoat and grabbed  my flip flops and headed out. It was Bird panicked because her boyfriend was across the fence and she was in with Switch. But since they were all well I headed back to bed, what a clear and warm night though.

Originally Switch was to be brought home today after my 10:30 lesson but seeing she was home yesterday I had to decide to go. I made coffee and Britt joined me then I loaded my tack. her feed bag with meds in it and caught her to go. The meds worked wonders, much less swelling and no new or open wounds. I took off the fly sheet and got her loaded and we were off by 10. B (whose had today off) came out at same time to catch Bird and she rode her while I was gone as it was already 24 out.

My lesson along with Jacquie was outdoors and it hit 26 by the time we were done at noon and rose to 29 not long after. It was another good lesson. Time to head home. Once back I hosed her while B caught the others and we sorted them into paddocks, by color. I put on more Swat and the flysheet and put her in the "black" pen.

Time for a frosty beer and some potato salad and that is the last of it, B & I split it ;) She and I gave Lola a clipper trim to removed all the matted hair on her butt. Poor thing is now bare bummed but hope it will feel not so odd in short order.

I stenciled my grey stools with a mandala while Britt loaded bottles and ran to town for errands. She also dropped my parcel off, thanks B.

this is half way thru, I forgot to take before photo.. and I was so happy to find Wagner Ware as it is supposed to be a great brand.

My next project was a cast iron fry pan. I had grabbed the smaller one when I had put a bed frame in the storage trailer. Using 40 grit sand paper I got going on the rough surface. It took about an hour adding a wire brush and changing to 80 grit but it looks and feels awesome. Next step to season but will wait till a rainy day.

sparkly shiny

B was back just in time for me to cook us supper then Grady picked her up before 6 for baseball. Lovely night but the mosquitos are nuts. I watered my beds, ran water to far paddock trough and gave Switch the last of her days meds. Poor ponies are covered and very annoyed with the pests. I also got Lola in early. B was home from ball after 10, internet time then shower and prep for tomorrows work. The prince comes home tomorrow too after a long 10 day run. Call the Midwife season 7 was loaded on Netflix so I enjoyed an episode.

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