Saturday, May 26, 2018

market day 2

Silly wind started to blow about 5:30 and even though I tried there was no going back to sleep. So after laying there trying and thinking of ideas I got up and started to do them. Coffee and marketing, a small shower squall blew thru at 8 but amounted to hardly anything.  I made a smoothie to take on the windy drive heading out before 9.

I had a bit of a challenge finding parking but eventually parked quite aways away. The day seemed to drag for the most part. My pieces were somewhat our of place I think in the price as most wanted old things for cheap. Some of my fellow furniture and home décor peeps did sell some stuff but none where super happy. Krystalle did stop and buy 3 things, my only sales of the day, thank you.

there was interest in paint classes, I hope they pan out

I also had 10% off after 1 pm but still no bites ;(

I had a health bar for a late lunch but by the time we could pack up at 5 I could only think of getting packed up. The weather was now sunny and very warm. I managed to get the trailer outside a back door and had everything loaded out of the building and in the trailer myself in less then an hour. I have to say I was mighty tired of hauling it all upstairs, into the trailer into the building and then reverse in such a short time. I also purchased from another booth so with that and my food truck and driving back and forth and 2 full days sitting there I was in the hole LOL

I arrived back home just before 7 as Britt was out riding. She spent her day lounging but was forced to haul in some of the furniture as she wants me to haul her to polocrosse tomorrow and need the trailer. I would of course prefer to stay home. I needed a frosty margarita and bologna sandwhich before anything else. She then showered and was off to the city for a movie date at 8.

I vacuumed and arranged most of the big items downstairs, caught up a few messages and luckily had an Etsy sale roll in for the candle sticks I just dropped the price on a half hour before. I boxed them up and printed a label so good to go. As I reposted things and put some on sale I would go out and put soakers on and try and call in dogs to no avail for a couple hours. I finally got Cooper in just before midnight. Britt was home not long after but could not get Lola in, I headed out at 1:30 and coerced her in.

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