Friday, May 4, 2018

Baby Snuggles

I was up early leaving the prince to sleep for his good 12 hours ;) He did roust to make coffee before I headed off to my riding lesson at 10. Switch did really well at her lesson and think I did ok too. I was done and headed in to Manda's for some snuggles just before noon. Sheldon met me there to meet little miss A. Craig was back with Asher so had a nice visit with all the family for almost 3 hours.

He is so funny in his iPad watching position

S was off to grab pork for sausage making this w/e and I picked up a silverware chest I won in an auction.

Back home I tossed the horses a bale and let Cooper out to play. The aqua green frames blog went live. I was scrubbing up dishes when S got home with pork and a couple groceries. We hauled in the jumbo armoire (dinging it up on the way in ;( so I worked on touch ups before staging for a few photos.

S eventually got motivated to head out in the sunshine after 4 and take down the Xmas lights finally. He also hooked up the tank under the deck to water the little Xmas trees in the raised beds.

Kaylin came out for supper stopping to meet baby A on her way. B arrived home from work just in time to join us for steak and fixings. After supper; K cleaned her vehicle and we loaded a desk she wants to try as a vanity. B rode Bird and S and I ran to a neighbors to pick up a pine bedroom suite. Back home S hit the TV room for hockey, I caught Roo for B to pony along for awhile and then started to unload the furniture. Dang it the big dresser had a bust off leg and S said he would not repair it so I found the person after me and had them come get the dresser and headboard.

K and Lexi were headed back home before 8:30. It was then B's turn to vacuum and clean out her car. The fellow got lost on his way out but eventually made it and was on his way in no time with the furniture by 10. Shower and Call the Midwife time for me.

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