Monday, May 28, 2018

31 degree day

B was off early on a beautiful Monday morning. I enjoyed a relaxing sleep till 8:30, wait I was up scaring off the dang feral cat around 1 am, grrr. I have a request in to get a skunk trap and catch this bugger.

Time to get focused on the week ahead. I did some marketing and headed out to weed and water to get ahead of the heat but it was 27 by 11!! Our grass is burning like crazy. I came back in for a late lunch and got to work updating the spreadsheet and post some photos. I ventured back out to trim more shrubs, feed horses some old apples and checked the far paddock to find their water DRY, poor things. SO I filled it along with the dog pool and gave Lola a soak.

Back inside to check horse laundry and tidy for the prince's arrival and a blast of cool air as it is now 30!! I rearranged above the door and unpacked all the market treasures. I will do a live video soon to update but also made a sale video.

I went out at 5 to find Cooper had dug himself multiple trenches in my front flower beds.. bad boy Cooper! After the fresh pool I set up and everything but it is 31 now and the planters had damp cool dirt.

I had roasted veggies ready to go when B rolled in at 7. We ate about half hour later then she went out to herb the 2 ponies while I got measurements on most dressers for a potential customer. she was then off to the city on another date night after 9 as I was putting the clean fly sheet on KD and hers on Switch. I took Lola in but the garage was hot so I cracked open the door with the fan and while I was washing my feet I heard her barking outside .. yep she commando crawled out! ;\
Prince was home around 11 having grabbed a paint sample on his way by Langdon. We checked the one big water tank while trying to get Lola in and found it had syphoned all out ;( I did get Lola in a little while later.

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