Tuesday, April 24, 2018

sales day

Busy day at the ranch today. I seem to keep the 6:30 wakeup and by 8 I am up so manage to get lots done. The day always starts with marketing which includes posting on social media and checking/answering emails and hoping for some sales. A good customer arrived after 9 to drop off 2 jewelry boxes she wants painted for her two girls; one pink one purple. She grabbed a purple paint on her way out 2 as I only had one on hand.

I worked more on the frames dabbling more paint one, waxing and adding gold details to 2.

and the horse statue had dark and copper wax added

Another customer stopped out at 1 to purchase the grey breadbox, she also purchased the aqua frame too, thanks Cindy.

It was gorgeous outside now at 18 so I got my gloves, sunglasses and the dog poop removal gear and got busy. It just so happened the culvert gave way while I was right near it picking.

Lola came back after patrol to find the only snow bank left to cool off in and eat snow LOL

I also found Britt's lost saddle part that Lola must have found dropped out of the trailer and took to her tree area.

The snow is nearly gone and it is crazy how firm the ground is. The horses were on the move all morning pawing around so I let them out in the hay area for some cleanup. The dogs and I hiked down to open the winter gates so they could get back in that way.

I came in for Ellen at 4 to work on the pink frame I finally got white ribbon for.

I was snapping frame pics when I noticed the silly horses snapped the yard gate and sauntered in! So out I went in my flip flops to open the paddock gates and in they went for water and trapped once again.

I tossed a bale to the ponies after my bowl of soup. A fellow messaged he was interested in S tablet so arranged to meet him at the gate. The stool blog post went live after I got it all finished. Busy sales day! Yeah!

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