Saturday, April 21, 2018

It's my birthday

It's my birthday, guess if I cant do it again in Victoria like last year I am at least glad the sun is out here. Britt was up and getting ready to head to work later today starting at 9. She had this lovely gift and note for meXOXO I enjoyed reading birthday wishes and soon had phone calls from 4 of my favs, Deb, Dale, Mom and Dad. Thanks!!

I posted my birthday giveaway too.. be sure to enter, it is open to everyone.

Amanda messaged asking if we were meeting at the pedicure place.. lost in translation I thought we did not have bookings for today so good thing she messaged. I jumped in the shower. S made a trip down the road with the blade to keep smoothing the drying ruts and then we were off to town after 12. We grabbed a hot chai and he dropped me at the nail place perfectly timed with Amanda and Ada who had slurpees. The next hour and a half was enjoyed at the spa getting pretty peddies, and a pretty card. THANKS Paetz fam.

We picked out our colors, Ada went first then she colored while we had our treatment. She also had this pretty card she colored for me too XOXOXO

S was back to pick me up after 2, the sun was now behind clouds with threatening rain. It let out a few drops as we stopped at the Station for my free birthday dinner. You sure cant beat that offer they have had for as long as we have lived here. And it comes with dessert!!

Back home it now dropped to 4 from 8, brr. S hit the big brown chair to nap off his HUGE lunch while I caught up on giveaway entries and bday thanks then moved on to vacuuming which woke him around 4:30. The sun was now back out, yeah!

B got home from her last day of work before her vacay at 5:30. Quickly she changed and we were off to the city. Shaina met us at the theater with Kaylin coming a bit later. We saw I Feel Pretty, a good message movie about loving yourself.

gifts from K & S, I will smell pretty XOXOXO

We were then off to my favorite restaurant, Joey's for a late supper and celebration drink. And no one thought to take a picture, sheesh. We finished up after 10:30 and dispersed, some for home to pack for their trip, some to get some rest after a long day starting at 7 and some to another drinking establishment ;) Thanks S & girls for helping me celebrate my day.

Back at the ranch S got into bed and off to sleep, B got packing and I tried to get Lola in. There was no way she was ready. I finished yesterdays blog post and did other catch up finally just leaving her at 1:30 after multiple attempts.

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