Saturday, March 31, 2018

Celebration supper

B was home by 9 bringing a hot chai tea, now that is the way to start a sunny Saturday, THANKS B! XOXOX She got cozy with Cooper snuggled on the couch and I headed out to finish up the custom dresser.

I then moved on to the octagonal coffee table coating it in one coat of soft taupe. B did come out to help me move dresser carefully off the paint station and move coffee table to it ;) Then she ran to town to tan.

The coyotes were bothering again during the day like yesterday and a stupid gopher was bustling around in the snow again.

B and I headed to town after 4:30 making a quick stop to grab fresh tulips and Easter candy to take to the Paetz's celebration supper. Not only Easter but Amanda's joining the Catholic church. Mom, Gordon and Rita had just arrived. Kaylin and Shaina arrived around 6. Visiting and the most delicious pork roast supper was enjoyed followed up with apple pie. Thanks for having us for supper Paetz family, it was scrumptious! After supper Britt and Shaina napped while  the kids entertained Kaylin with their tricks.

The girls stayed (older 2 for only an hour then back to the city) with the little kids while we all went to church at 9. It was a long service ending around 11, whew. Back at the house Britt and I headed home taking Mom who is spending the night at our house too. It was -20 on our drive home at 11:30 and not an April Fool's joke! BRRRR

Friday, March 30, 2018

SNOW day= stuck day Good Friday

Today is Good Friday but it is also a socked in snow day again. It blew and blustered all morning. I was up at 8 and with coffee off to work on the dresser. I sanded it, stenciled on the door, waxed it all and added the scrubbed antique hardware. It is just so sweet. Just black wax to add and it will be done. I hope the 13 yr old loves it.

I also scrubbed up this octagonal coffee table which was covered in dust from storing since I bought it. It will be my next project.

The girls went to check out a couple house in Chestermere with no luck. I was just in for a wee bite to eat just after 3 when I got a text "I'm stuck" from B... where? "the driveway" sure enough I look out and she is buried at the 2nd curve. I had no idea she was coming today thinking she had puppy class tomorrow and never even looked at the luge run. She and Cooper hiked it to the house. There was no way to get the truck to tug her as the yard gate was stuffed solid so independent woman B got out the skid steer with the bucket and got to plowing. The snow even quit and the sun came out!

Horses were excited thinking she was bringing a bale ;)

Two coyotes were causing quite the ruffling of Lola's feathers today as was B's cause Cooper was right out with Lola trying to move them off.

See the coyotes and my guard dogs at work?

About an hour later she had a new luge run and I bundled up, jumped in the bucket and we headed to the car.

She dug around it while I put the floor mats under the tires and with a few pushes the little Jetta was free from its high centered snow bank. I took the car back to the house and she finished plowing the road to the gate. GOOD JOB B!!

She was back in the house 2 hours after she first walked in with bootfuls of snow. I cooked a hot supper, she showered as has big plans in town tonight. I bundled back up  and went out before 7 to toss a bale for the ponies. However in their non logical thought came when called but to the opposite side of the fence. What a piss off they must have thought after trudging thru all that deep snow only to be a few feet away. Eventually they just trekked back to the pit where the bale usually is rolled out to pick for morsels there. B was just heading to town as I came back in.

Soon after she left the snow started again lightly ;) lets hope the laneway stays open till she gets home. I worked on the furniture blog posts but did head out and put another coat of black on the dresser top while waiting for Lola and brush cleaning. Britt went home via taxi with Amber for the night.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Mission set sells

I ordered this super handy mechanics stool from my brother D, our Napa expert and hoping someone from Oyen can bring it this w/e. SO stoked to use it! It would have been so handy for the jumbo dresser. I dark waxed the jewelry box and put back together, all good to go.

Next in line, I started the custom dresser. She wanted similar to the one I just did so the top was lightly sanded now dry after yesterdays scrub. The first coat of ebony went on then moved on to make up some milk paint for the base. I have a new farmhouse white to try. It went on so well as the raw wood was dry and sucked it right up. The second coat went on well.

The day was ugly, blustery and  a few bits of snow in the air every so often. I saw the beavers.. I mean ponies knowing so I headed out to rub the area with soap and restock the salt/mineral tub. The snow is such a pain as you can stand on some of the crust then next step you are knee deep with a pile filling your boot ;( But I am only out for a bit, they live there. I think they want spring more then me.

I snapped a few pics of the end table Shaina helped me haul downstairs and posted them on Instagram. It was not long and there was a pile of interest and it and the matching coffee table were spoken for in a couple hours!! And they set a time to pick up tonight at 7.

I finished the blog post for this mission style end table and published it. They arrived right on time, paid in cash and loaded it up. They were from Chestermere so had a chat about how they like the town all with good feedback.

Back to the garage to put a 3rd coat on dresser and another ebony then back in to write blog posts.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

needle day

SNOW greeted me when waking and seems to have been doing so for awhile as about an inch on the deck. I added black wax to the dresser as well as poly x 2 on top first. I like it. The snow let up as I headed to town after 11 stopping at Walmart for dog food and a few groceries before my acupuncture appointment at noon. Good timing with my stiff and sore muscles and even though I left with a few sore points everything was much better soon after including the headache I woke with.

I grabbed lunch at our local health food deli, grabbed the mail and jetted home to eat it in sunshine. I put the new hardware on the dresser and sprayed the 2 original knobs I could not get to match. Then it was time to get started on the custom jewelry box. Wiped and vacuumed I added the first coat of white to it before Shaina arrived for our Wednesday night supper. I had beets roasting and added more veggies to roast and fish for our supper.

She helped me haul in the finished end table then was off to boot camp for 6:30 so I headed out to scrub the custom dresser. The customers daughter had stripped it and is a fine little painter but she saw the one I just did and wanted me to do the same ;)

The dresser knobs had another layer of darker silver paint then put back on and the inside drawers I chose a heritage blue and put 2 coats on them. It should be all good to go.. well that is when I get help again to move that beast inside.. or maybe I will try staging in the garage again first.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

fancy steps on the dresser & stock

Did I mention I am pretty stiff since Sundays trims? ;) Well today I plan to do more when Britt comes out but after a healthy smoothie no coffee I got painting. The end table was distressed  and dark wax added and all put back together. I put another coat of stain on the top too. I can't haul it in alone so will wait for some extra hands.

I started the jumbo dresser giving in a chocolate wash.. UGH this is like glaze.. so hard for an OCD perfectionist painter but I finally let go of perfect and went with it.


I was finished up and in for a quick late lunch as Britt and Cooper rolled in at 1:30. She left him and was off to an appointment in town for 2. He loved the mud and water we have everywhere as it is PLUS 7. I did get him in though and in his kennel so I could head back out and do the dry brushing on the dresser.

A good customer dropped off a stool to have painted like the boho one I did and she is buying. She also dropped a dresser and jewelry box off to be painted too. As well she gave me 2 old chairs, 2 window frames, a bench and an antique end table, which were going to be burned if I did not want them!!! yes please

B was back after 4 and went and caught Pepper with Switch and Roo freelancing their way to the barn too. I trimmed Pepper while B worked with Roo then trimmed Switch. Only 1 and half to go.

B takes the easy way back

and these 2 man themselves to get to the barn LOL

We finished around 6 and ad I was cooking supper rain rolled in. Crazy. It let up when Britt and Cooper headed home after 7. I jumped in the shower quick before meeting alady to pick up a kids rocker at the Glenmore intersection before 8. It started to rain again as I did. The road is a sloppy mess but they say freezing temps on the way and snow ;(.