Thursday, February 8, 2018

Quite a pile of snow

And the snow was still coming down when we awoke. And continued for most of the day, not a blizzard type snow but rather a perfect ski hill type of snow. We hauled the coffee table in FINALLY so I was able to snap some photos.

S was off to town after lunch for his 12:30 massage. I worked on the usual marketing, accounting and setting up the new computer. This of course is time consuming with all the programs and passwords needed to set up again.

He popped back home after 3 (the snow now had let up for the most part) but had to go back to town to exchange fitting parts to get the new blade working and after back in an hour he got it working and got busy to the fun part... pushing all the snow that piled up.

Snow is over knee deep for the frolicking ponies

check out little Roo bucking above far right horse ;)

He stopped for a quick supper break and back out. He cleaned out Stouts yard too while taking skid steer to feed Bones as well as rolling out a partial bale for the horses. Partial as the snow is so deep he needs to plow a path. He called it a night around 10. He thinks foot and a half of snow came down!

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