Tuesday, February 6, 2018

coffee's on

Coffee in bed is hard to resist.. so I didn't! Thanks Mr K. I finally had a phone chat with Debby who was on her way to visit Chuck and hoping her can go home today, fingers crossed. S was then off to town for doctor appointment while I headed down to the sauna (AKA furnace room office). Seeing it may be awhile for the new router to arrive I cratered and set up tables to raise it up and save my aching back.

I wrote up a new Etsy listing for the jewelry box and loaded photos for yesterdays blog and published too.

Britt arrived just before lunch which coaxed Lola to finally go outside. It was actually not as cold as she expected and the 2 little dogs and here jetted around for a quick play. Britt was off not long after 12 for an appointment in town passing Sheldon as at the gate as he was coming home. He grabbed a few groceries, the mail and fed Bones on his way back.

He also brought us a burger for lunch then was off to the big comfy chair for his nap. I took the dogs all out for a walk as now -7. They loved the snow. B was back after 2, suited up and headed out to see her horses.

horse watchers

S went out and rolled out a bale and pushed snow to clear the road while I chopped up veggies for stir fry and B napped between loads of laundry and potty breaks. Before 6 S was off to another rodeo meeting and Britt and Cooper not far behind to meet Brooke and Howie for a play date. Cooper was not keen to play as it was dark and cold so were back in short order. B loaded up her clean laundry, dog goodies and dogs and was off to the city after 7. S was home after yet another 3 hour meeting bringing hot teas.. yum!

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