Thursday, February 22, 2018

Big guy gets stuck

I was up and let Lola out then made coffee at 8:30. The prince had a real sleep in missing fresh coffee not rising till after 11!! I worked on .. you guessed it marketing hoping to keep the sales moving. It was lightly snowing again too till about noon. Time to move the car and stage the custom painted dresser as it is going to be picked up tomorrow.

Around 2 prince loaded up the skidsteer and headed to friends who buy hay but had their horse pass so no longer needed it. It seems we are down to the last 2 bales so works out to buy them back so off he went to load them up. An hour later after dropping off 2 of the bales he called to say he was stuck running to get the mail. I threw a chain in the mercury and was off picking him up and taking him back to the yard for the skid steer.

While he drove the 7 km at turtle speed I drove back to the truck, got his wallet and zipped into town to pick up beer, another thing on his list but this way I used the time it took him to drive to the truck and check off the task. I waited back at the truck till he arrived. I jumped in the truck to drive as he hooked up and easily pulled the unit out. I helped him load the skid steer and was off home by 4:30. He made a trip thru town to fill the skid steer with fuel while loaded and was back to the bale task getting back home in two more trips by 5:15.

Using my hand cast iron pan I made home made potato crispies beside a frying pan of creamed chicken. S was off to do his usual Olympics and Flames in the TV room. I worked on more marketing. Now with the staged dresser pictures I could finish writing and publishing the blog post for it. I finished the stencil growth ruler and shades of blue dresser blog posts but will hold off publishing for a day or two.

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