Friday, January 19, 2018

lunch date

Sunny days with above 0 temps in January are perfect. Kaylin is popping out for lunch with me after Lexi's monthly vet visit. I worked on the growth rulers dry brushing on more white milk paint then hauled them inside to start the hand painting. However I know am waiting for the customer to get back to me as to the way she wants them laid out and the colors.

script or rounded, horizontal or vertical.. so many decisions.. oh yes and colors

Marketing and blogging were essential hoping to start the sales for 2018. Etsy is really slow even after 3 new products posted. Feel free to share it with friends or my Facebook page, favorite my Etsy store and help get more people connecting ;)

Kaylin arrived about 2 for our lunch date, she brought Tim's to go along with our tuna croissants. Thank you!! Our date was quick as she needed to get home to do household stuff on her day off as her migraine ahs made things pretty hard to do. She did help me haul the desk downstairs to store in her room. Seems that when I offered a good customer layaway options she and I had a different time frame in mind. She needs me to hold it till this summer ;(

Britt needed me to check on Roo who has a wee bump on her knee she is monitoring so Lola and I trudged over in the iced over snow to visit the ponies. The pea size bump seems to be the same but Britt will check when out tomorrow too. She is an uber cautious Mom but is good since she has big plans for this girl. Everyone else checked out fat and sassy.

I worked on painting a chair one of my fun fav blues then added this color to the bohemian stool too.

Britt arrived at 7 while I was doing accounting. She kindly heated me up some chili and some for herself and she was off to the TV for her PVR shows. So I sort of had a supper date too ;) I went out and worked on sanding the chair I painted and the stool. Of course I retouched paint and sanded and painted in my typical OCD style. Lola ran her gamut of patrolling and came in at 10 as I was finishing up washing brushes then coming inside. I finally finished the last day of the trip blog.. whew!! Now it is 11 so off to bed to catch an episode or two of one of my shows :)

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