Sunday, January 21, 2018

City lunch date

Before Christmas a former co-worker organized a lunch for past and present data admins which got moved to today. I got ready to head to it and put a final coat of poly on the one ruler and buff the wax coat put on other last night before I left.

Sharon picked me up around 10:30, Vicky was picked up next and we were off to the city. We met the other ladies at the Cactus Club in the north east and had a good catch up. I personally have not seen most for a couple years easily so was nice to have a visit.. and a nice lunch ;) Sharon dropped me back home at 3. B had left for the city to get ready for her dog home inspection. I got started on procrastinated laundry.

The couple arrived at 5 to pick up the finished rulers. Yeah the first sales of 2018.. sure has been slow. I hope things pick up.

After finishing most of the laundry I started a new Netflix series called The Client List. Hmmm watched 4 episodes but think it might be more enjoyable for S to watch :)

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