Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Snow is a flying

I have an appointment in the city today and plan to do a few more stops so once up and at it with my coffee I got ready. I sent a few pics of the finished ruler to the customer,

I entered a few more contests, one needing a picture of our tree and then I ventured out to put the last of the salt for the horses out and spray Bird's foot. Brr, although only -8 the weather for the last few months has me a bit soft.  Calls around to the local stores had no loose horse salt available, darn.

I set out to the city after 11. It started to snow as I got close to the city. I headed to the local thrift stores to start and ended up securing lots of treasures including an antique dresser. The snow carried on as I went thru a drive thru for a late lunch and ate it in my car. I quickly ran into The Bay perfume section before heading to my appointment. I was in and out in about an hour and the snow was still falling.

It continued as I grabbed a tea at Tim's drive thru, found more gifts and treasures at Winners and my favorite HomeSense. I had bags but yet the snow kept coming down and I stopped at yet one more store before making the journey home. Of course the snow had traffic backed up as well as rush hour as it was now 5 but I safely arrived home at 6. Just in time to win 2 bidding wars for a bread box and a coffee table!! Thanks Amanda for being my scout and helping me add to my stock pile LOL

Organizing the pickup of said auction wins and getting my list together for tomorrow was next. I was then on to unpacking and sorting all gifts and getting things updated before heading to bed fairly early for me to read.

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