Friday, December 8, 2017

shoppers and "nice" clothes kinda day

Today I need to put on nice clothes and makeup. First call of the day was at 9 am with the lady coming to see my wares who wanted the chair (that the sister bought her). I unboxed and set up my "store" for her viewing pleasure. She was here around 10:30 and had a nice visit. She is hoping to take a paint class from me and will ponder all the things she saw and stop at Katy's too. On the way out she stopped to visit the horses. Most were cautious but Roo then Switch went to greet her. Guess we know who could be kidnapped first!

Not long after around noon, the gal with the warped french provincial stuff stopped to pick it up. We got it all jenga'd back in her vehicle and on her way. Another gorgeous non windy day hitting 12!! Now it was time to cook my bacon for a bacon tomato sandwich.. yummy.

Kristi messaged they were heading out from the city and were stopping to pick up the coffee and end table. I hustled to get the tables pulled close to the stairs and rearranged more pieces before they arrived. We (Ron and Jaylene too) had a good visit before getting the solid tables loaded up and they were off to shop Strathmore before heading home, THANKS guys!!

Time to update pages and do some marketing, Christmas is a coming and people are a looking. Chicken curry for supper day 5 is it?? but now all gone ; ) I scrubbed up the bread box then headed in to change out of my "nice" clothes to start painting it and the press back chair.

I got the first coat on , let it dry while finishing up the rustic decor blog post then put on second, wet distressed and called it quits at 10 to come in and update and watch my buddies at Grey's. I am almost at the end of season 11 and hit the *spoiler alert* sad part of the show. The table gal messaged after 11 she FINALLY picked up the tables, thanks girls for being patient and helpful on this.

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