Monday, December 4, 2017

more sales :)

Our morning started with coffee in bed and some internet browsing. I then spent time catching up on work emails, custom ruler consult, creating another sale graphic/posting and finishing the rustic peppermint sets. Prince also had a pre lunch nap to prepare for his travel day ;)

Staging was underway when Sheldon packed up and was off to the city after 1 to meet Craig for lunch, stop to buy some new work boots then get to the airport.

hard twine, soft twine, rafia or stars?

 After a bite to eat I vacuumed the main floor hardwood and worked on an idea I had to repair the damaged areas. I used the stain/oil finish and although it did not work as well as I hoped it did mask the damage a bit. Now to let dry well and stay off it.

I brought in the ruler and traced out the family name in the font selected and another number as this is a 7' ruler.

The jewelry box order was confirmed with the increased shipping fee and once all was sorted I finished boxing it up and went to print out the shipping label. Grrr the printer was disconnected again. I thought back to when the changes to it dropping and Sheldon's laptop and it was when we got the new router. A long tech support call to router company ended up solving the issue, yahoo. Label printed, taped on and the parcel is ready for its journey to Europe!

 another amazing sunset

The customers arrived to see the navy dresser and immediately said it was exactly what they wanted. We got it all loaded up and headed back to the city in no time. Now to update my Facebook page and take down all my ads for it.. wahoo Then it was on to accounting with Grey's to keep me company.

While getting Lola in I checked out the custom vanity and nightstand dropped off this w/e and sadly the vanity is warped very bad so let the customer know ;(

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