Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone!! Hope you have a fabulous day and holiday season. Mom was up as I let the dogs out and got coffee going for us. I started a fire and we started on a new puzzle. Eventually the girls slowly joined us upstairs. I made all toad in the holes to hold them over till turkey time.

frisky play to stay warm in this cold blast

Gifts were exchanged, thanks to all for the lovely gifts to each. Mom and I got the turkey stuffed and in the oven and onto games. Kaylin gave her and Grandma a foot soak then they both put on some foot solution in fancy little bags that stayed on for 90 minutes before washing off and should make baby soft feet in days.

Turkey was ready just after 3:30, delicious if I say so myself. Thanks to Mom for carving it up while I got gravy made and it was time to enjoy.

The cold snap rolled in, brrrrr. Shaina went out to chuck a bale with Britt going out to help with placement as the poor cold ponies would not figure out going around when they were cold and hungry and could see it but not reach, THANKS girls!

Games continued with many laughs before Mom and TJ loaded up in the extreme cold -23 with a wind chill after 9. Even with all my checking of goodies to go along I forgot Mya and Vance's gifts but after they got to town to pick up stuff from AJ's and get gas they found all places closed with no food so zipped back to grab presents and get a super yum turkey sandwich for their drive home. It was - 23 but showed -29 on their truck when driving from town.

The girls and I started Christmas vacation waiting for Sheldon who finally arrived just after 11. They gave him their gift and after the movie we were all off to bed. Sheldon said the car showed -33 in some valleys on his way home.. BRRRRRRR Shaina and I it seems did not sleep well again.

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