Thursday, December 14, 2017

city trip

Today we are heading to the city, yep crazy seeing the Christmas rush is on right? I checked emails to find I won a paint brush giveaway for myself and a friend, yeah!! I have been wanting to try these brushes for awhile.

A customer dropped off a chair before 10 to touch up while doing her other one she ordered and we were off to the city just after 10. First stop Costco hoping to avoid the crowds and it seemed to work, there was no line ups for check out and a fast moving one for returns. Next to Sheldon's destination; the close out of Wholesale Sports but sadly it was so picked over we left not with the gun he hoped to get but some socks for me and a couple cases of shells ;(

Next to 2 thrift stores where I managed to find some goodies while Prince waited in the car and caught up on his cell time. We enjoyed a delicious late lunch at Chop using a gift card from Kaylin, thanks lovey!! XOXO

Another gift card was used for campers village for our anniversary from Grama and Papa for a new pair of shoes for the Prince. No line ups here either things were looking good. Our final stop was at Home Depot to get wood to plank a dining table. Who says you can't fit 6' lengths in a car? Just don't stop or start fast, we did find that out in a hurry. Traffic was now getting uber busy.

We made it back to the ranch by 4, I ran out quick to doctor Bird's foot then time to unload goodies, down size Costco packages. S had a nap in his comfy chair while I did accounting. I also hauled the chair to the garage and did all the touch ups leaving to dry overnight for her to pick both up tomorrow.

Since we had ate so late we were not hungry for supper so just grazed on a few nibbles while moving onto laundry and prepping a bit for tomorrows big duct cleaning.

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