Wednesday, November 15, 2017

wasted hours

Fogged in morning almost right up till noon. It was forecast a chinook but doesn't look good. Prince served coffee and breakfast (gingersnap cookie) in bed ;)

After my morning marketing I had an hour follow up Instagram help session with Sharon. She is finding all this marketing stuff overwhelming but plodding away. Sheldon worked on a work assignment he had. The sun started to break thru just before lunch, yeah. I cooked up a hot fish and chips lunch seeing it was kinda brisk still.

I started my long procrastinated sand project, now that I had the shelf painted and dry a few days it was time to get the sand in jars. This required labels. I had picked up clear ones in town yesterday but decided to try white ones I had. The printer and its recently replaced black cartridge would not print no how. I called the HP help line and after an hour of tech talk the gal had me thinking we had a trojan horse and suggested a $400 US company that could fix it. No thanks, I called a local IT guy and he had a few suggestions but said call my internet provider. Yep another on hold but once able to chat found out that I had been DUPED!! The HP number I googled looked legit but was a "sales scammer". UGH that makes me so angry as I feel I am fairly aware and they got me. So, next I updated all my antivirus, malware, spyware programs and added a new one suggested by the IT guy and ran them.. all good. However the printer was still not working even after direct connection as per my internet provider tech.

Sheldon had headed out around 3:30 to scout for some deer now the weather was looking up. Shaina arrived not long after he left. She ate a bowl of chili and had a wee visit before heading to train Sharon.

Eventually I got my printer figured but had to run a few label sheets thru to get the alignment right then get all 19 sand locations printed. Now back to the jars.. I was short about 8 but after looking in my spice cupboard found 4. 90% of the jars had sticky goo on so it was goo scrubbing & removal while I cooked up supper for double S. Shaina was back at 5, we unloaded a desk the girls scored for me in the city. Thanks girls! XOXO

We were visiting when Sheldon got back home just in time to eat. Shaina was off to teach boot camp just after 6 and S went to watch Flames in the TV room leaving me to finish the last of the labels printed and now time to fill them. Yeah!

He did head out to hook up the trailer and load some hay since the Flames were losing prepped to head to AV tomorrow to hunt then headed to bed.

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