Saturday, November 18, 2017

supper and a sleepover

I was up at 7:30 and since not able to get back to sleep got up and updating the new graphic to have active links. I made coffee and did more marketing. I delivered the prince a cup after 9 on his sleep in day. I have a gal coming this morning to check out the navy and antique blue dressers. I was just out of the shower when she messaged she would be early. She arrived at 11 and within minutes decided to stick with her first choice, the antique. Sheldon and I loaded it for her and she was off. Lucky it was 0 as I was loading in my t-shirt.

He loaded up part of his deer and brought it to the garage to work on chopping up while I got painting the candle stick series vintage white. We took a quick lunch break then I buffed and staged the navy set while he caught the end of the early Flames game. When they won he was able to head back out and finish up as I sanded and waxed all the pieces.

Time to leave them to dry, he ran the carcass and hide out for coyotes.. far away. I updated Etsy with the navy pieces before we got ready to head off for our even with the Cole's. A quick loop thru town for fuel and drop off a letter in the mail and we were off. A great evening was had eating, drinking and visiting to 3:30 am. The time flies when you have lots to catch up on. Of course we were staying over so it was easier to not watch the clock., Thanks or the fun night Cole's.

the girls went to the roughnecks game, cuties

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