Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Deep clean day

8 o'clock wake up finally, perfect as I have a few things left before the cleaners arrive. I stripped the bed threw in the laundry, changed to micro flannel and new pillows. A few more items put away and emails quickly answered before they arrived just after 9. They got started and I headed to the garage for today's projects. I started giving the large dresser a bit more dark wax touch ups then when dry a coat of polyvine. My big project was the wood table, the plan is to ceruse it. I wanted to try my metal brush drill attachment to open pores. This did not go well as the circular motions showed to much so I came up with my own plan by manually going with the grain. This is a messy job but thank goodness for a shop vac and broom.

kaylin sent picture of Lexi enjoying her new bed she bought her last night

Once I had the grain pretty visible to finish it I started with plan A - stencil. This did not go so well so more scrubbing and more brushing and scrubbing to remove the white paint mow in the grooves. Now leave it to dry and touch up the leg that I scuffed while rotating metal brushing a test board.

I came in after lunch and started organizing the spare room as the girls continued their clean. Shaina arrived soon after and headed down to her room. So many pictures needed to be sorted, why not hang some finally. I had Shaina help me hang the first one then she was off to sleep. I hung 11+ and they look good. The cleaning gals were done and off by 3. Thanks girls, the house is lovely.. how I love a nice clean house (all at once that is)

Shaina was off to train Sharon at 4 and back by 5 as I was hanging last picture of the day. We had supper and a visit and she was then off at 6 for boot camp.

 always a pretty sunset, I snapped these 2 quick

and Shaina this one

Time to get computer fired up and emails answered and the blog written for yesterday. Netflix kept me company with Riverdale & Grey's. While giving Lola her perimeter checking time I put another coat of polyvine on the dresser and went with Plan B for the table - driftwood stain. A coat of the stain/oil mix, wipe and leave to dry overnight.

The large dresser had 3 interested when I posted this am which led me to look at doing the other large one I have in stock. To update the hardware on it and the other new dresser I searched thru the hardware website to choose and get an email sent.

on a search for these size/shape jars.. epicure or jam

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