Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Papa turns 80!

Happy 80th birthday Papa!! Very exciting birthday to be had for the Kuhn men today heading to Edmonton to see the opening game between Calgary and Edmonton.

Kaylin was slow getting off to work leaving after 9:30. Sheldon gave me a hand cutting the board for the dresser shelves and the back, thanks Bud. Shaina was to work at 10 but she too was slow to go. She headed out the door at 11:30 as Papa and Darren drove in to pick up Sheldon. A quick look at the bison hides and they were off. Shaina got to work only to find out she was not needed!! So she stayed in town and hung out with her friend Carly. Britt messaged she is in Budapest and loves it.

I spent the morning deciding on the trip and finally at 1 I booked Quebec city after all my research with a stay in old Quebec at Hotel 71.  Now to get to work on the dresser; The newly cut wood pieces needed some sanding tweaks to fit the non square drawer openings as well as some wood filler.

Moving on to the painted drawer fronts, they were distressed then black and clear waxed . Once wood filler was dry all was power sanded and painted. Painting inside the drawer spaces required it flipped back over due to the awkward angles and needing to paint the underside of the top too. The hardware was washed and replaced on the drawers. I wanted to add some back edge braces so headed out to cut another piece of the drawer in the shop on the mite saw then glued it in place and left all to dry.

check out the drifts that are still this high after 2 days of melting

Shaina popped home at 4:30 then was headed back to town after 6 for her boot camp, back by 7:30 then off before 8 to personal train Sharon. I hustled in from my paint project to get supper on the go making homemade spaghetti sauce. It was all ready to go when Kaylin got home just before 8:30. She was off to soak in the tub with her favorite bath bombs after eating. Shaina was home after 9 to eat while I was scrubbing up the kitchen. She and I had cheesecake for dessert, benefits of still working on cleaning the freezer out and the treasures you find. I then headed out to do touch ups and put the shelves in to see how it all looks together. I like it.

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