Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween

Today is Halloween but the weather looks frightening. I woke late after a sleepless night after 9 and saw the paddock gate had blown closed so hoofed it out in my fluffy housecoat to let horses out to the bale. Then I checked the leak...

Crap but good it defines one area but shows there is another which is the humidifier. I rousted Britt fairly early for her day off, moving day that is. Time to finish packing up clothes etc but she also wanted her horses feet done. Off she went to catch them while Sheldon rolled out a bale and I trimmed both Bird and Roo's feet.

 these two crack me up as they always head out to join on any walks picking up the rear

This was a bit tricky with a little one and a skittish elder and then the start of rain on a tin roof but we got it done and back out in their paddock. Prior to letting them out, Sheldon thought it was a good idea to cut an inch hunk of Bird's tail hair right at the top of her tail making her look like a kid who cut off their bangs at the scalp.. and for a guy to use it to tie fish hooks. Britt and I were not the least bit impressed with this decision.

Darn the rain started up after we headed out to load bed springs/dressers etc from the storage trailer into the horses trailer. Then it was moved to the house to load stuff from there which included Kaylin's early Xmas present, her hutch and Britt's early present sans painting (which we will do when she moves to her own place sometime)

The rain really socked in as we made our way to the city with a stop thru town for a hot chai tea for the road. Britt followed in her clothes laddened car. We made it before her as she stopped to tan but Shaina was there to help unload in the rain. We got the bed frames set up and the box springs in their rooms, the hutch set up and all the rest of the dressers loaded in. Shaina was off to her appointment and we left not long after. Our route home in the rain had us stopping back in town to get a part for the leaking hot water tank, groceries and beer. All the essentials ;)

Back at the ranch, Prince got comfy in his lazy boy for a nap while I got working on marketing before making a delicious supper.

Check out the cute little Paetz kids costumes

Happy Halloween

Monday, October 30, 2017

Don't use liquid chalk pens

Monday found Britt off early and me doing yet more marketing and hustle of my wares. Oh and start laundry too. I did finally get out in the garage and get going on more projects, big projects so sure hoping some more dressers sell. ;)

A large dresser was started on; remove all hardware, sand all fronts and sides, wipe well, sand rubbing doors, fill big dings and chipped door area then wipe all well again and arrange on paint table that required cleaning off.

Along the way I dumped a huge box of packing peanuts lol dam! I finally tried to wipe off our family info on the large chalk board. Nope no go, tried vinegar then WD40 again nothing, how about sanding it.. nope. Last resort repaint it with fresh chalk paint X two coats over 4 hours.. and you could still see ghost writing.. note to self and others DO NOT use liquid chalk pens unless you want the design to stay forever!

this is what one has for lunch when one's daughter takes all her lunch meat ;)

I cleaned out the drawers of the ornate desk and wiped down the solid light wood one. The workshop seems to be gearing up for some progress. Next order of business, spending 45 minutes with Canada Post in regards to them returning my parcel from USA even though it got to our PO and I called soon after it arrived! The fellow logged my complaint (this is not the first time, many of the girls parcels have had same issue due to PO box) and suggested a flex delivery and went thru what to do. Get off the phone and get at it only to find our address will not work. Another call to them and 15 minutes later it is confirmed a PO box will not work there either.. good grief! An hour of my life wasted on our government run scam of a business!! Time for a beer.. or two! And tacos for one as Britt has her staff Halloween party and Shaina's boot camp got cancelled.

Today may have been nice looking but only hit 7 and they say cold and snow in the later week. Good thing B asked about leaving her pumpkin in the car last night and I checked. It was to freeze so I hauled in my pots again and sure enough it was -5! Tonight looks similar. Our water leak in the furnace room continues

B was home from her party just before 9. This is her carved pumpkin she did and in the running for their contest. Good Luck B

Sheldon made it home after 10:30 and tried to trouble shoot the water leak. He left a tub under one area and will see what happens

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Cold Winds

I was up at 4:30 am and the wind was still blowing and it continued from the time I woke up at 8 thru the day. There was sunshine but tornado winds ;( I put a coat of poly on the ruler before marketing.

I have been interested in planting fresh garlic and after finding a local person willing to share a head I drove quick to get it. Porcelain music garlic variety was planted in my garden. This hard neck variety seems like it will be awesome if I can get it to grow. The head he gave me had 4 huge cloves so hoping for 4 plants next year. It was bitterly cold as I planted but as I did so I remembered I still had a hill of potatoes to dig.

Britt was dropped off just before 11:30 as I was putting the 3rd coat of poly on the ruler. Now to let it dry and snap a few photos before it is picked up later today. Britt went to her room to watch TV but soon was asleep after a late night I am guessing ;) Next project was to roll on the ultra grip on the dresser and drawers I scrubbed up yesterday.

A couple arrived after lunch to look at and bought the cream tiger oak dresser. I helped them get it loaded and strapped down well in this tornado like winds.

Not long after, the gal stopped to pick up her custom ordered growth ruler we created for her sisters baby shower. Sure hope she loves it.

I added a few more Etsy posts and updated the spreadsheets and online pages for the sales. Reposted many of my Kijiji ads too. I need to sell this enormous stock list folks so please share away with anyone you think might be interested in some unique pieces. Britt woke up after supper realizing she did not buy her pumpkin for tomorrow nights staff party so made a quick run to town to grab one then back to her room. I finished Grey's season 6 and onto 7. Thank you trusty iPad!

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Mama Two feathers turns 75

Today is Grama Pat's 75th birthday, HAPPY CAKE DAY!! Big hugs from the whole Kuhn Klan.

I was up after my usual 8, got busy with my coffee and added more items to my Etsy page then did a few posts for Hometalk ; my recent salt shaker , the antique cream dresser and spray painted hardware. Britt got up later working on her costume for tonight's party. This included running to town at 11:30 with bottles as well. Once back she did run out in the warm 18 sunshine to work with Roo quick before coming back in to get showered up and ready to go.

I was still working on Etsy posts at 2. I have already added 12 more items and almost to the end. I am also updating my FB album of items for sale too and my spreadsheet. Britt was picked up by Brooke and Quaid just after 3. I was just finishing up item # 13 then headed out to the garage to get started on a project. I have the new Fusion pink on its was so scrubbed up the dresser I plan to do it in.

It hit 21 by afternoon. More ads were updated and added while swapping to "This is Us" when I finally caught the last 3 episodes of season 1 I accidentally deleted off the PVR. Some were watched while soaking in the tub. Then it was back to Grey's for the evening. I did take a break to take the growth ruler out and put the first coat of poly on it and get Lola in around 8:30. It is getting so dark so much earlier now ;(  The wind picked up around 10 and brought in some rain and howled thru the night.

 Kaylin part way thru her makeup effects left and finished on right.. fabulous heh?

Egyptian Shaina with Zombie K

 Britt in Lethbridge

Friday, October 27, 2017

evening guests

Lexi and I relaxed for a bit upon waking, Britt long gone for work, then got up and headed over to Sharon's for coffee. Great to catch up and help her get started with her leather business online.

The gal who is buying the club chairs messaged she had rented a van from Home Depot (who knew) was on her way so Lexi and I were back home by 12:30. Lexi loved the visit as Chanel has loads of fun toys and Sharon gave them each a chunky bone treat and she even got to take hers home!! This kept her busy for hours!! Thanks for the treat and coffee Sharon.

The gal arrived in her big orange van and in no time we had the chairs loaded and on her way. Now it was time to rearrange my chair area and mop quick.

The day was GORGEOUS.. no wind, plus 18 day so I went out to do some quick yard work, open the garage doors, haul out my pots for some well needed sunshine and swept it out.

Then it was back to adding yet 9 more items to my Etsy account. Have you had a look yet? Click the link to see then click favorite.

The sunset was amazing and went on with a show for quite awhile. Britt took some pictures once she got home to as it set.

then this appeared.. wth??

I got to starting supper as Kaylin will be joining us and ordered her favorite... AV sausage. Amanda, Archer and Ada popped out at 6 for a quick visit (arch could not pass up getting in on supper too ;). Kaylin made it just after 7:30 but it was not long after that Amanda packed up the kids to get them home to bed, Poor miss A is sick and was so tired.

Britt Kaylin and I visited until she and Lexi set off for the city after 10:30. Thanks for joining us for supper Kaylin and popping out Paetz's.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

only 6 degrees

Good to have Shaina and Lexi as my roomies minus the spinning sleep patterns of both ;) Britt was up and out the door having today off to town to set up her new ATB bank account before 9! Big girl B.

Shaina brought out this jewelry box from a past customer that was her mom (another good customer) who passed away. She wants me to paint it up for her little girl for Christmas, how sweet!

I got to work laying out the ruler measurements and numbers and got going on them in black. Britt packed up her treasures when she got back. Shaina got herself up and motivated to get back to the city heading out around 11.

Britt saw this painting in an art gallery but it was above her budget so she asked a family friend who painted her this one below, isn't it lovely. Well done Heather. It is off to her new room in the city

I finalized payment and got my first Etsy package all bundled up and ready to go, Brittany kindly made a detour on her way to her appointment in the city leaving at noon. A gal had been wanting a photo of a change table I had but the weather had me procrastinating getting into the storage trailer to take some but seeing the wind was starting to pick up again I braved the gold and headed out with my sidekick Lexi

I hand painted the numbers with black paint and will leave now for a few days to dry well before poly coating. Back to advertising: more posts of Etsy and tweaking my FB ad that is now live for 3 days. Let me know if you see it.

Britt was back around 4:30 from her appointment and moving things into her new place. She had a snack then was out to work with Roo. It is still brr out hitting only 5 and seeing it was -5 overnight it does not look good for tonight either. I went out to help hold the little rascal while she picked her feet.

will be bomb proof with these 2 rugrats wrestling at her feet

I cooked up supper while she worked on laundry and such. Grey's kept me company  as I worked on redoing one of my spreadsheets all evening.